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Socks - The Understated Statement Piece

Written by Stephen Fogg


Posted on March 24 2014

Pink socks, men's color trend of 2014
(Pink is the trend color of the year!)

Okay guys, now for some sock talk.  I’ve seen you, rockin' your tailored pants and cuffed jeans, but still stuck in the 90’s with those dreadful white gym socks.  Maybe you haven’t given thought to these little under-garment guys, but you should.  Socks are how you can express yourself while otherwise stuck in your office safe conformity.  

Socks are where you get to have fun!  So, leave the gym socks in your gym bag, pick a color or pattern that makes you feel cool, playful, sexy, and rock out with your sock out!  Socks are your voice, make sure you have something to say!


Bad sock stylesBad sock styles

Vibrant colors are trending, and add some life to your everyday jeans and t combo.  Contrast your colors to make a statement and attract a little attention.  Patterns and prints are perfect for adding a little fun to a monochromatic suit.

Just make sure your socks don’t steal your thunder and end up funnier than your tired bar jokes…so, patterns YES, cartoons NO!


Have fun with men's styleMen's socks in polka dot, trendingMatching men's socks to their shirts

And then there's always the no sock look, which is great for summer with a pair of low tops and jeans. (But my feet get sweaty!) So wear no-show socks, but make sure they're really no show! (Ankle socks are not no-show)

OK, don't be afraid to get your feet wet having fun! (See what I did there?)

BTW Head over to our sock section, we always have something fun from Happy Socks.



  • Comment author

    evan, it sure is nice to see you again ! I really miss west Hollywood and you a lot ! sincerely yours, joe price.

    Posted by joe price | May 20, 2014
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